时宇1,, 勾天瑜1,, 郑志楠1,, 李文玉1,, 谢奉哲1,, 王景慧1,, 张淑娥2,,樊超1,, 李莉1,, 刘新研1,, 张仲1,, 高蕾1,, 孙涛1,*
( 1、哈尔滨医科大学卫生管理学院,哈尔滨市 150081; 2、哈尔滨医科大学附属第三医院,哈尔滨市,150040; )
摘要: 目的:将"职业成长期待"概念引入到乡镇卫生院新入职医务人员群体,并探究职业成长期待对其早期离职倾向的影响。方法:通过问卷调查法搜集了263份有效问卷,采用探索性因子分析法和多元线性回归分析进行数据分析。结果:职业成长期待量表包含2个维度下的14个测量条目;问卷的格朗巴赫一致性系数为0.920;量表具有良好的结构效度和预测效度;乡镇卫生院医务人员的职业成长期待对早期离职倾向具有显著的负向预测作用(β= -0.289,P<0.01)。结论:职业成长期待量表应用在乡镇卫生院新入职医务人员中具有良好的信效度,同时,具有高水平的职业成长期待的新入职医务人员具有强烈的组织归属感和高度的组织契合,进而削弱了他们的早期离职倾向。
关键词: 乡镇卫生院;新入职医务人员;职业成长期待;信效度;早期离职倾向
SHI Yu1,, GOU Tianyu1,, ZHENG Zhinan1,, LI Wenyu1,, XIE Fengzhe1,, WANNG Jinghui1,, ZHANG Shue2,, Fan Chao3,, LI Li3,, LIU Xinyan1,, ZHANG Zhong1,,GAO Lei4,, SUN Tao4,*
( 1、 Health Management College, Harbin Medical University Harbin 150081; 2、 The Third Affiliated Hospital, Harbin Medical University,Harbin,150040; 3、 Health Management College, Harbin Medical University Harbin 150081; 4、Health Management College, Harbin Medical University Harbin 150081; )
Abstract: Objective: To introduce the concept of "career growth expectation" into the groups of new medical staff in township hospital, and to explore the influence of career growth expectation on early turnover intention. Methods: Using an online questionnaire survey to collect 263 valid questionnaires, exploratory factor analysis and multiple linear regression analysis were used for data analysis. Results: Career Growth Expectation Scale included 14 measurement items under two dimensions. The internal consistency coefficient of scale was 0.920. Scale had a good reliability and predictive validity. Career growth expectation of new medical staff in township hospital had a significantly negative prediction (β = 0.289, P < 0.01) on early turnover intention. Conclusion: Career growth expectation scale has a good reliability and validity among new medical staff in township hospital, meanwhile, with a high level of career growth expectation of new medical staff, they have a strong sense of belonging and person-organization fit, which will reduce staff' early turn intention.
Keywords: township hospital, new medical staff, career growth expectation, reliability and validity, early turnover intention
作者简介: 时宇 (1993-)女,硕士研究生在读,卫生政策与管理
通信联系人: 孙涛(1983-),男,副教授,卫生政策与管理
中国科技论文在线:时宇,勾天瑜,郑志楠等. 乡镇卫生院新入职医务人员职业成长期待对早期离职倾向的影响[EB/OL].北京:中国科技论文在线 [2016-10-28].http://www.paper.edu.cn/releasepaper/content/201610-215.