时间:2016-10-13 20:38 来源:www.zqdh.com.cn 作者:admin 点击:次
a, …is higher/lower/increase/decrease…in/by/withor after the administration of A than/compared with B;
b, Significantlyincreased/decreased…was observed in A compared with B。
c, significant differencesin…were observed/witnessed between A and B;
d, Enhanced/Decreased…inresponse to A/B was observed…;
e, A showedsignificant/better effect on …than/compared with B;
f, Asignificantly decreased/increase/improve …。✚2)如果差异有趋势,可以这样描述:
a, A similartrend was observed in…;
b, A compared toC additionally trended to…;
c, …tend to…in Acompared with B;
d, A tendencytowards higher/lower…was seen in…。✚3)如果差异不显著或结果类似,可以这样描述:
a, No impact ofA/B/(A and B) on…was demonstrated in the presented experiment;
b, No effect on…occurredwith or after the administration of A/B/(A and B);
c, No differencein…was observed/witnessed between A and B;
d, There was nodifference in…;
e, …in A and Bdid not differ;
f, …was notsignificantly altered by …-treatment…;
g, …was similarin all (between) groups and ranged from …to…。✚4)如果两因素之间存在相互关系,比如干预和时间效应,可以这样描述:
a, A treatment ×period interaction/An interaction of treatment × week was observed for…as…(描述指标随时间变化);
b, There was an interactionof treatment × time for…。
a, …in A and Bdid not differ, but … tended to be higher/lower with/in A/B;
b, …remained at arelatively low level, although a trend was observed for the increase/decreasein A/B in comparison with B/A;
c, A/B were not foundto affect/have no effect on…, but tendency to…was observed in B/A;
d, Despite/Inspite of no effect on…, A/B significantly increased/improved…;
e, Similartendencies, albeit not confirmed statistically/although not statisticallysignificant, were observed in the remaining groups in which patients were…;
f, A negativeeffect of…on…and a positive effect on…were observed。
a, …is verynegative significant correlated with …;
b, There is asignificant negative correlation between…and…;
c, Rises in…paralleledincrease in…;
d, …revealed asignificant correlation with…;
e, There was aninteraction between…and…。
a, Survival curvesaccording to Kaplan-Meier showed: 1. Survival at…years is…%, with 95% CIbetween…and... ; 2. Survival estimate is…% at ... years;
b, Theoverall…-, …- and …-year survival rates of…were…%, …% and…%, respectively;
c, The overallsurvival rates of…were calculated by the Kaplan-Meier, with…%, …% and…% at…, …and… years, respectively;
d, The survivorshipanalysis (Kaplan-Meier) showed a…% survival of…after…years.
a, ROC analysis of …..determined that the cut-off valueof…yielded a sensitivity of…%, specificity of …%, … of …%, and…of…%;
b, A cut-off value of…resulted in a sensitivity,specificity, …and…of…%,…%,…% and…%, respectively。
引言部分其中一个重要功能就是说明本文的重要性,阐述本文的创新性及意义。我们可以用However 等转折关联词来引导前人研究的不足,提出一种新方法或新方向。如:
However, little information/attention/work/data/research…(or few studies/investigations/researchers/attempts…) (or no/none of these studies) has (have) been done on/focused on/attempted to/conducted/investigated/studied (with respect to)…。
Previous research/studies/records has/have failed toconsider/ignored/misinterpreted/neglected to/overestimated/underestimated/misleaded….Thus, these previous results are inconclisive/misleading/unsatisfactory/questionable/controversial.
Their studies may be more reasonable if they had…consideredthis situation.
Their results could be better convinced if they…
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